Buture BR 500

Buture car jump starter BR 500

This is a bacon savor… In that it saved my bacon at least two times. The first time near lake Alpine, the second at lake Edison. Both places you definitely don’t want to be with a dead car battery. Everyone should have this item (or equivalent) in their car trunk.

This product has gotten some bad reviews on the ibuture.com website, mostly like it didn’t work. Don’t know what to say… except if the BR 500’s battery doesn’t have a charge it wont start much. For me, got it, fully charged the battery, put it in my car’s trunk. Like 5 months later used it at Lake Alpine. Turned the engine over, no problem. Went home refreshed the charge in the BR 500, put it in my trunk. The next year used it again at Lake Edison. Fired up the car engine, no problem.


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